Thank you for your generosity, commitment, and grace. Your gifts make a difference as we share God's love and bring hope to the world. There are a number of different ways you can donate to Jones United Methodist Church. We provide end-of-the-year giving statements and donations are tax deductible. You can give online through our secure service to any ministry or designated purpose. You can also set up recurring giving through your credit card or bank account.
Sunday Services
The physical act of tithing is one of the most spiritual moments in a service. No matter how a gift is presented the giver is assured of purposeful use in the fulfillment of God's work. We accept cash and checks made payable to Jones UMC in both our Traditional and Contemporary services.
We believe God hears prayers over the internet. In the same way, you can give online through our secure service to any ministry or designated purpose. You can give a one-time gift, or you can also set up recurring giving through your credit card or bank account. All your information is kept secure and confidential for your protection.
By Mail
Checks, Money Orders, and Cashier's Checks can be mailed to Jones United Methodist Church PO Box 597 Jones, OK 73049. Please mail to the ATTN: Office Manager and include a correct return address so we can send a statement at the end of the year for your tax purposes.
To belong to our congregation is to be a steward. Jesus talks about the steward — a servant who was charged by the master to care for the master’s property. The master owns the property, but the steward is responsible for it and is accountable to the master. So it is, said Jesus, between God and us. As God’s stewards we have three responsibilities:
Receiving: We receive with joyful thanksgiving the many gifts that God showers upon us — time, talent, treasure, our bodies, our friendships, natural resources, and the beauty around us.
Managing: We take good care of what we have received. We manage these resources wisely — for our own good and the good of others.
Giving: Out of our gratitude in receiving so abundantly, we want to share with others.
We seek to respond to God's good gifts with careful attention and hope that you too will join us as we discover God's plan unfolding at Jones United Methodist Church.