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You have God-given strengths within that are helping you be successful in your daily lives. But are those strengths being used in service of God and your home congregation?

Whether it's serving on a committee, providing facility maintainence, or welcoming our family, friends, and neighbors into our doors, we have a place for you to fulfill your calling. 

If you aren't sure what you have to offer but know you have something to offer, we will pray and listen for the Spirit for guidance alongside you.


Through the ages music has inspired many.  Plato said, “Music gives a soul to the universe, wings to the mind, flight to the imagination and life to everything.” Keith Richards of the Rolling Stones said, “Music is a language that doesn’t speak in particular words. It speaks in emotions, and if it’s in the bones, it’s in the bones.”


Music softens the soul and prepares it to welcome the Holy Spirit.  Music is used during our services not as routine, but as preparation.  As the music is played, read the words and let them settle in your soul.  And as John Wesley said, "Above all sing spiritually. Have an eye to God in every word you sing. Aim at pleasing him more than yourself, or any other creature." 

The Praise team would welcome your talents! Join us on Wednesday nights to jam as we prepare for Sunday worship!

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