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All the Places You'll Go

It has been said, that a door is one of richest images in literature. I do hear many doors being opened and shut through the scriptures and even meander back to our website slogan Open Hearts, Open Minds, Open Doors. John Ortberg writes, “ An open door is the great adventure of life because it means the possibility of being useful to God. The offer of it, and our response to it.” And I wonder about the doors that have been opened to you by God, through this church, or any church, through your work and family and personal relationships. I wonder how when you have been given the possibility, you have responded. Have you been in the sort of position to breeze on through like you own the place and adventure a while, or have you stood at the threshold and hesitated? How will you approach the next door God opens in your life?

During August and September we begin a new series “All the Places to Go” as a way of opening our eyes to the countless doors God places before us every day. We will learn how to recognize them, and how God gives us the encouragement to step out in faith and embrace all of the extraordinary opportunities that await. In worship we will witness to community members stepping into baptism, new membership with Jones UMC and inviting us all to host, join and build small groups.

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